Genojewel Gift Voucher

You can now give Genojewel, or its rendering to your friends, colleagues or relatives as an original and interesting gift. For this we have prepared gift vouchers. Genojewel is created for the holder of the gift voucher in our laboratory – display of genetic profile in jewelry is without any additional fees. You just choose the type of jewelry and number of persons displayed, and the recipient will choose the color of Swarovski crystals himself/herself.

Genojewel Gift Voucher

How to use gift voucher

  1. After ordering the gift voucher, you can download it on-line from our website and print it, or it will be mailed to your address. You can put the recipient’s as well as the giver’s name on the gift voucher.
  2. Recipient – gift voucher holder will enter the gift voucher number under section “Order” and can choose other specific requirements and continues in the order.
  3. Then he will be sent the kit for DNA sampling.

Number of each gift voucher can be used only once, of course. Gift voucher is printed in A5 format on glossy paper.